Mae yna edefyn sy’n plethu ei hun drwy gydol fy ngwaith, edefyn sy’n clymu fy ymateb emosiynol i bobl, y mynyddoedd a’r môr. Ni allaf ragweld canlyniadau’r broses o beintio ond dyheu am ddal hanfod lle, eiliad mewn amser neu gymeriad unigolyn. Mae'r broses hon wedi'i gwreiddio'n gadarn yn Cymru.
Mae’r gair Cymraeg “Cynefin” yn dynodi’r ffactorau lluosog, cydgysylltiedig yn ein hamgylchedd a’n profiad sy’n dylanwadu arnom (sut rydym yn meddwl, dehongli a gweithredu) mewn ffyrdd na allwn byth eu deall yn llawn. Mae ganddo ymdeimlad o wreiddiau—amserol, corfforol, diwylliannol ac ysbrydol.
Arddangosfa unigol fydd “Cynefin” a gynhelir yn Oriel Ynys Môn 21/6/25 – 27/7/25
There is a thread that weaves itself throughout my work, a thread that binds my emotional response to people, the mountains and the sea. I cannot predict the outcomes of the process of painting but aspire to capture the essence of a place, a moment in time or the character of an individual. This process is firmly rooted in Wales.
The Welsh word “Cynefin” signifies the multiple, intertwined factors in our environment and our experience that influence us (how we think, interpret and act) in ways we can never fully understand. It carries with it a sense of rootedness—temporal, physical, cultural and spiritual.
“Cynefin” will be a solo exhibition which will take place at Oriel Ynys Môn 21/6/25 – 27/7/25